HARRISON, N.J. (May 25, 2020) – The New York Red Bulls will return to individual, voluntary player workouts today at the Red Bulls Training Facility in East Hanover.
The return to individual training comes following Major League Soccer’s approval of the Club’s detailed health and safety plan, and the New Jersey Executive Order 148 which provides in part that professional athletes may fulfill their job duties, including when those job duties may require person-to-person contact.
Individual workouts will begin today with staggered player arrival and workout times to ensure proper distancing and compliance with CDC, state and local safety guidelines. There will be no media access at trainings. Red Bulls Communications will provide rights-free photos and video for media use following individual training sessions.
Following MLS’ May 1 announcement permitting clubs to resume individual training, Red Bulls staff developed a thorough plan of proactive measures that will be implemented at Red Bulls Training Facility to ensure the safety of players, staff and community. Some of the measures include:Restricting training facility access to essential staff only, with specific staff members who do have access named in the plan.
Sanitization and disinfection process for all training equipment and spaces, including disinfection of any equipment used by players between every session.Completion of a Standard Screening Assessment survey by each player prior to every arrival at the training site, and temperature checks upon arrival at the facility.
Staggered player and staff arrivals and departures, with designated parking spaces to maintain maximum distance between vehicles.Player use of personal protective equipment from the parking lot to the field, and again upon completion of his workout while leaving the field.
Staff use of the appropriate personal protective equipment throughout training, while also maintaining a minimum distance of 10 feet from players at all times.
Hand washing and disinfectant stations for required use before and after individual workouts. Clubs will have the use of the outdoor fields at their training facility, divided into a maximum of four quadrants per field.
A maximum of one player per quadrant may participate per training session with no equipment sharing or playing (passing, shooting) between players. An Emergency Action Plan for all COVID-19 related issues.Maintaining a daily activity log and contact tracing.